My theater - a new type of posts

This type of post is for my hobby - theater. I will post everything about this hobby here. Of that, how come I came? Why did I make that decision? What did I learn from him? When did this happen? Why did I finish? Why does it mean so much to me? What mishaps have happened to me in front of a live audience? What was the drama like behind the scenes? When did I finish? Will I ever come back? I will also answer all these questions. But if you are interested in something else, just a word a day.

The post is a little short, but since it's just an announcement of a new type of post, I think that's okay.

That's all for this blog. I know you liked it, so subscribe to my blog. Thanks, see you next week, hehe

See you again in a few days.

Rainbow Eve

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  1. I just didn’t get what is the point off that post. You set couple questions and said nothing and then you sorry for short posts. What a shame.

    1. The point of the post is just to say a little something about the new series of posts that are yet to come on this topic. It's true that I could say something more, but I couldn't remember what, I could still say it in this post. My mistake. The first post in this series is coming soon.
      I will do my best to make sure it doesn't happen again. I'am so sory!!!!


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