Happy Memories Challenge Blogmas #3

A world without people who insult us

Imagine a world without people who insult and underestimate you.

What would it be according to you?? (Write in a comment!!)

In my opinion, the world would be miserable. Where would we even get the power to prove someone wrong???

What would you get that momentum from???

I actually think that when someone looks down on us and tells us how weak we are, we get the impetus to prove to ourselves and to that person that they were very wrong.

With their help, you would also gain self-confidence, just like me.

We owe murder to those who insult us for helping us gain the strength we need to succeed.

But I know that some of you do not get this power but nothing, so you will find it somewhere else.

Now I thank everyone who has ever insulted me and is reading my blog and this post out of curiosity. Thank you for giving me the drive and strength to stand up for myself. That's how I gained my confidence, murder, you could never destroy me because I'm indestructible. You can't destroy me I'm too smart for you hehe good luck with that.

That's all for today, I think I've said what I wanted to in the shortest possible way, I'm proud of that, because I usually have a lot to say, but surprisingly today I don't. I'm making progress hehe

That's all for this blog. I know you liked it, so subscribe to my blog. Thanks, see you next week, hehe

See you again in a few days.

Rainbow Eve

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