How can you save some money? Blogmas#20

Today I'm going to tell you a few tricks that I found on the internet and will, of course, try out myself. 

My favourites: 

1. No Spend Day: With friends or family, set one day a week when no one spends a euro.

2. Keep battery packs in the freezer: We all have AA batteries at home. Keeping them in the freezer will prolong their life. 

3. Keep a diary of your expenses and savings:

If you really want to keep track of every coin you spend, I suggest you keep a notebook. Write your spending in it every day. Even if it's just one coffee from the vending machine at work or bills you have to pay. You might have a little stroke at the end of the month ...

4. Avoid sales:

No matter how much you think you're saving, you're actually spending a lot more than you would otherwise. I've written this once before - when you really need something, go and buy it thoughtfully. Don't buy just because it says it's cheap. 

5. Buy stuff online: 

If you are like a Labrador with attention deficit disorder in a shop, I strongly recommend that you shop for your groceries online. Major retailers in Slovenia have been offering this option for some time. The fact is that you only search online for the products you have planned. In a physical shop, you have to go from product to product, and in between you find a sea of other things. So you spend a lot more money at the checkout than originally planned. 

6. Store coins: 

Check your wallet every night, empty the coins into the coin feeder, go through and remove the receipts. If you find it too much effort to empty your coins (sometimes it will be just 20 cents) every night, do it once a week. When you have enough, take them to the bank to be deposited into your account. 

7. Always pay in cash: 

There are several psychological studies that money in physical form goes harder than us. With card purchases, we are not paying attention to the amount that is being deducted from our bank account and we make much more reckless purchases as a result. But when we pay with cash, we have to physically separate ourselves from the note, which causes us distress and makes us think harder about whether the purchase is really worth separating ourselves from the money. 

8. Leave your wallet at home: 

When you go to work in the morning, take a small amount of cash just in case, and leave your wallet and cards at home. If you don't have it with you, you can't spend it. Easy. 

9. Bring your own food to work: 

Make a snack to take to work with the leftovers from the day before. You can make up salads, you can cook an extra meal on purpose... Almost everywhere there's a microwave so you can heat up the food you bring with you. Ordering food (e.g. pizza, burgers, Chinese) or buying sandwiches from the vending machine costs you a lot more at the end of the month than you get reimbursed for eating out at work. 

 10. Check for good deals at work: 

Large companies have benefit agreements with other companies for their employees. This can save you money on the cost of holidays, swimming lessons, gym passes, etc.

See you tomorow!
