
 Today, let me tell you something about anger. I found 2 interesting articles and they really taught me a lot, I know they will teach you too. 

Anger is binding. It binds us to another person and keeps them in our life pattern.

When we let go of anger, it brings us many benefits. We are free to experience emotional contentment and relaxation and gratitude for new daily opportunities in which we grow and heal. We care for each other almost without attachment, our health improves and we are infused with more life energy. These achievements enable us to progress to a more effective and effortless state of inner freedom.

Anger can oscillate between rage and modest resentment. It includes revenge, insult, indignation, rage, jealousy, wickedness, malice, hatred, contempt, wrath, quarrelsomeness, anger, sarcasm, impatience, frustration, negativity, aggression, violence, disgust, rudeness, rebellion, explosive behaviour, irritation, abuse, acrimony, spitefulness, maliciousness, malignity, cursing, and stubbornness. All these variations of anger are very well portrayed in the daily news on television.

Anger gives us strength and drive: 

When we are angry, we have energy for action. The result is "doing", "doing" in the world. When people are fired up with the energy of desire, they become angry that they don't have something, and this anger pushes them into the action needed to fulfil their dream of a better life.

A quick check of the amount of pent-up anger in the population is to look at the immense popularity of violence in the media, where viewers can indirectly indulge themselves in fights, shootings, stabbings, lynchings and the killing of various "evil-doers".

We usually feel so guilty about our own anger that we have to "denigrate" the object of our anger in order to say that our anger is "justified". Very few people can take responsibility for their anger and simply say, "I am angry because I am full of rage."

Positive use of anger:

Very often people suppress their anger, aggression and inner aggressiveness; they see them as unpleasant, beneath honour and as a kind of moral failing or spiritual regression.

What they fail to see is that repressed anger also has the energy of anger, and if it is not recognised and processed, it will have just as damaging effects on our health and progress as anything else. The real purpose of anger is negative, and even if we do not express it, the consequences will be so.

The recommended approach is to use the energy of anger in a positive way to kick-start our ambitions and active engagement.

How to use anger positively at work?

Let's say we are angry with our boss. We feel anger. He never acknowledges our abilities and efforts. But we know that it is unwise to express this anger or resentment. We are very likely to lose our job or to invoke a long-lasting grudge against our boss. At best, anger would lead to an unpleasant work climate.

Instead, we can choose to use the energy of anger constructively and for our own good. It can inspire us to take on a project that, because it is excellent, will prove us right. It can be an energy to pull us out of an uncomfortable situation. We can use that energy to create new opportunities or to find a better job, to form a committee, to improve our employment situation, to form a trade union or whatever we believe would benefit our personal goals.

How to use anger positively in relationships?

The same opportunities exist in personal relationships. Anger can inspire us to improve our communication skills, to enrol in an interpersonal relations course or in a personal growth programme.

Anger can motivate us to rededicate ourselves to something, to make a clearer and stronger effort and to really do a better job. In this way, we can recommit ourselves to something.

Anger can encourage us to look inwards and, through acceptance, to let go of all negative feelings. Instead of getting angry, we can accept.

The ultimate goal is to let go of anger: 

Anger is binding, not liberating. It binds us to another person and keeps them in our life pattern. We are stuck in this negative cycle until we let go of the energy of anger and its little benefits in the form of righteous indignation, in the form of feeling wronged and in the form of wanting revenge.

It may not always be the same person in our lives. There may be others who seem to have the same qualities that trigger our anger and resentment. The wheel will keep on turning until we have mastered our inner anger. And suddenly, people with these qualities will disappear from our lives.

So anger may force someone physically away from us, but psychologically it brings them much closer, until we finally give up anger and resentment altogether.

The benefits of letting go of anger: 

When we give up anger, there are many benefits. We are free to experience emotional satisfaction and relaxation, and gratitude for new daily opportunities in which we grow and heal. We care for each other almost without attachment, our health improves and we are infused with more life energy. These achievements enable us to progress to a more effective and effortless state of inner freedom.

The 4 inner enemies: desire, anger, attachment and greed:

Healing the Mind

The Four Inner Enemies:

In Ayurveda, it is believed that we harbour inner enemies that cause dissatisfaction. We need to constantly control our mental activities and immediately heal the mind damaged by their action.

If we are not careful about the harm they cause, we create mental disturbances or even become seriously ill.

If we educate ourselves about these enemies, we avoid the possibility of falling into their trap.

These inner enemies are; desire, anger, attachment and greed.


Desire (kama) includes the craving for more and more sensual pleasures such as overeating, too much looking, talking or uncritical listening, and an insatiable desire for sex. This craving arises from dissatisfaction, which continuously gives rise to further cravings. Desire leads to dissatisfaction.


The second enemy of health is anger or krodha. It brings one to his senses and leads to wrong decisions. It destroys memory, increases blood pressure and damages the digestive system. Try to get rid of it and find other ways of dealing with problems. If you feel it is necessary to get angry in some circumstances of life, be theatrical. Think about the funny side of anger, try to step back and see yourself from the other person's point of view. Recognise that you are wasting emotions fruitlessly and use their energy for other purposes instead.


The third enemy of human health is attachment or moha. Too strong an attachment to the car, house, husband, wife or children creates anxiety and suffering. Anxiety causes imbalances in the body, it makes us look old, it makes us grey and lose our hair, it makes our skin wrinkle and we suffer from indigestion. It also causes arteriosclerosis, haemorrhoids, stomach ulcers, intestinal problems and many other ailments.

We must learn to detach ourselves from things and also from the people we love. Nothing lasts forever.


The fourth enemy is greed or lobha. People want more and more and will do anything possible to get it. The insatiable desire for more is called lobha. A bigger car, a bigger house, a house in the country, more money, more comfort - the list is endless. People overwork, live in stress and tension, destroy their present in the hope of a better future, all because of lobha. In the process, they fall prey to serious and serious diseases.

If you get sick or die early, all the possessions in the world are meaningless.

Therefore, the most important thing is to attain santosha (contentment). But this is possible only when one learns to restrain desire, anger, attachment and greed. Most of the ills of our time stem from stress and tension, the fruits of the four negative aspects of the mind.

Since there is much to say about anger, I will write more about it. I find it a very interesting subject. See you again in 4 days! Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter, it's the only way to keep up to date!
