A lost day- Motivation

 You're probably wondering: Which day is the most lost? We always ask ourselves that, and I have at some point in my life. Every person in the world comes to this question at some point. The answer may not seem very simple, but I can tell you that it is very simple and actually makes sense (I tell you the answer towards the end).

I myself wondered what or which day is the most lost? I got the answers: a day when I do nothing for the blog, a day when I'm not proud of myself, a day when I find myself boring, a day when nothing happens, a day when I watch movies all day and don't care about the outside world or the real world, a day when I do nothing, a day when nothing happens,.... (Whatever the answer, tell me what idea you have of a day that is lost before you find out what the right answer is (write in the comments)). 

I have thought about this a lot. And I wasn't even close to the right answer. Literally all the answers are a kick in the dark. A day that is lost sounds desperate and in a way it's really quite awful. I do not like lost days. Somehow they are not close to me. And I feel really bad about it. The real answer is really much more simple. 

Here is the answer to this question: The most lost day is the day when we do not laugh. 

I said that the answer is much more simple than it sounds. But it does make sense and it is very true. People always start laughing when I tell them that. Their day is certainly not lost and there is no need to feel bad or regret what is. It is certainly exactly as it should be. See you again in 4 days! Subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't already, it's the only way to keep up to date! 
