Raw egg - Time for me

 Today I'm going to talk about raw eggs. Yes, I know you may not have tried them yet. I also know that you have! You know who you are and that I mean you. In short, some of you have eaten them and some of you have not. Well I've had them with cottage cheese and they taste so creamy I just wanted more. Sometimes I put 2 eggs in the cottage cheese. A bill to eat I tell you. So what about you: Have you ever eaten a raw egg?

Many people say that such eggs can bring infections. You shouldn't eat anything after that. Then it is best that we all starve together. Do you agree? 

They always say it's not healthy to eat raw, it's not healthy to eat uno raw, fast food is not healthy either, it's not good to eat too many vegetables and not enough, it's not good to eat food from a soak tube, etc. And similar advice. 

Well, my really good advice is to eat what you like! There will always be something unhealthy or too full of something. In short, eat what you like and when you like it. They will never be satisfied. The person you are with will already understand you. I don't understand why it's not good to eat food from a soaking dish? Because everything is cooked faster and you don't have to be at the stove? Yeah, to me it's a way of lying and I really don't want to pay for gas. I prefer to use a little more electricity because that is why we have it. 

Raw eggs are the law, they are really healthy, it takes a while to get used to them, but yeah I did it straight away. And I don't regret that I still eat them occasionally, raw with cottage cheese hehe. Try it, it's really creamy and delicious I guarantee there is no better breakfast! 

So that's it for today we'll read it all again in 4 days. Until then, try a raw homemade egg with cottage cheese! Yes, I have my own hens and eggs at home so I don't have sarmonela or what else can be stuck in eggs? well yes try it. 
