Rainy day ideas

 Today I'll tell you what you can do when it's raining outside. 

1. Handicrafts: try to learn something new: Crocheting, stitching, sewing,... This is more for the girls. For the boys, make a table or fix something around the house. Girls can still do something. 

2. Reading a book: Try to go out on the balcony, of course take a blanket (so you don't get cold) and maybe a cup or a thermos with a hot drink. Reading books while doing this is fantastic.

3. Walk: Yes, I know walking sounds weird especially in the rain, but trust me it's a great meditation. You have the natural sounds of rain and nature there is nothing better. Try it sometime hehe.

4. Write a story: I've written about how to write a story before, find this post and write your first story. Believe me the possibilities are endless!

5. Cuddle with a loved one or animal: Rainy days are great for cuddles and affection and of course intimacy with the person who means the most to you. It's great for sleeping and cuddles. 

Use rainy days to be with the people you love the most. So there were only 5 ideas, but I think I like them the most and I will definitely do that on rainy days. 

See you again in 4 days. 
