Reading between the lines

 Today I'm going to tell you my secret to reading people. Or rather, how to recognise how to read people and how to know exactly what someone thinks about the topic I am talking about or how they are feeling at that moment or in their life. 

I learnt this when I was in boarding school from my teacher who was with me from the beginning of day 1 until the last day, so 9,5 years. 

All in all, it is a very useful method and, believe me, it comes in handy for everyone. 

You can see their face and know what they are thinking when you see them, like a mentalist. He watches body language and knows when someone is lying, as I know about people I know. It's a great method. 

But when there's no physical contact with the other person, you use your intuition and it comes in handy for physical contact too, but it's much more important online because you can't see how they're acting or what face they're making when they're texting you. Well, then you can take note of what words she uses. Are they boring, sad, happy... In short, anything that tells you what the other person is feeling. 

So that's more from me than not I'll look up the general meaning of reading between the lines on the internet so you'll know. But the point of reading between the lines is the words and the facial expressions. It took me years to master this skill. 

Here's the general meaning of reading between the lines: To recognise and understand what is hidden, concealed or ambiguous. To say that we can read between the lines means that we can also discern and understand what is not clearly and directly expressed, such as hidden, disguised or ambiguous meanings of what is written or said.

I could write about this, what skills have I acquired over the years? Would you be interested in this? (write in a comment). 

That's all for now as of today we read again in 4 days. 
