Follow your dreams

 Today I will tell you why no one should ever give up on their dreams. I'm not talking about dreams that you only have at night (well, or not). Depending on if you know how to manifest and fantasise and use your imagination, you can actually dream about it at night. But it is not that dream.

I'm talking about dreams that you know are going to come true, but because they often involve a lot of sacrifice and struggle with people who don't believe in you and parents and finances. Many of you give up on them.

That's not right you can't succeed or achieve anything if you don't dedicate yourself to it. Of course, you will be able to give up some things on your own and I have given up a lot of money. I prefer to have less, but that buys me time and then I do what I want to do.

Just on Thursday I had a case like that when I didn't go to a lecture for social reactivation. Because an important person told me not to go, she literally wouldn't let me go. Of course, I was going to have a bigger income myself. I didn't quite understand her not going. I listened to her anyway and I didn't go.

Later on I realised that this job or this lecture would not have been an option for me and that I literally would not have had the time for it. Things have changed and it's different than it was 3 years ago, the last time I went to social activation (at that time they made me take down a post, so I wasn't allowed to talk about it anymore, even though they said we were supposed to).

Well, I realised that I would not benefit from rejoining the activation. Because it is not the right way and I would not be following my heart, I would be following social norms, which is not good at all. So I'm not going to do it.

I talked about this earlier when I said that it is necessary to give up. Yes, sometimes it is better not to go to work than to go and it only harms you. Yes, I know you have to live on something and I have been working on it for years. Somehow the state doesn't help me so I'm trying to make it on my own, which really takes time. I know I sound yes Eva, do we know when the state has helped who? Yeah okay they could find something for me but they don't want to follow the dreams of individuals. They only see the money, not the others, the counsellor at the institution told me: No, I can support you, that's why I am here. Then why doesn't she send me to some training that I would like to have? I don't know, game making, blender basics, programming basics... ??

It's a struggle to teach myself at home. Which is problematic and time-consuming.

It's more work when you're teaching yourself, but it's always worth it. In short, don't give up on your dreams and follow them anyway. Because believe me, it's worth it! If there's one thing in life that's really worth it, it's this. Because people have given up, they have never felt the joy of making their dreams come true. And if you're wondering when are the right years to follow your dreams now if you're 20, if you're 30 or 50 it's time, because when if not now?

That's it for today we read it all again in 4 days. For more content like this, subscribe to the newsletter!
