Am I hardworking or naughty? Blogmas#18

 Today, I'll tell you whether I ended up on the hard-working list or the naughty list this year. 

This year I am definitely on the hard-working list, because I have undergone some really huge changes, both in myself and elsewhere. Overall, I've even made a lot of progress this year and I admit I'm really trying for the blog, but just writing the blogmass is a challenge for me. It's really a lot of work and I can work on myself and that makes me a bit lazier because I don't like to force myself and do something that I don't feel like doing. 

But it's also true that I've lost weight this year, and those who see me every week or every day would never notice. I wouldn't have either, if one day someone hadn't said to me, "Yes, Eva, you've lost weight, huh? Yeah, obviously I have, but why? 

Because of the spiritual awakening, because one day I don't like food at all. But then I want to eat anyway and I go and watch videos of other people eating food to get an appetite of course, but it makes me nauseous and I feel even less like eating than before. Then I don't eat for a day and eat a day later. I'm not on a diet, I just don't like it. And losing weight, like losing weight is a fool's errand for me. 

I'm losing weight because I don't like to eat!!!

In short, I have a lot of work to do at home and with myself. I'm looking forward to the new year because I know my life will never be the same again as it was in March or February this year. I can say goodbye to this life and get ready for the new one. So, this year's list of the hard-working is the list I am on. 

What do you think, are you on the hard-working list or the naughty list? Let me know in the comments!

So that's the end of today's post, I'm enjoying it.  But since it's blogmas we'll read again tomorrow! So don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter so you'll have posts in your gmail inbox every day of blogmas!
