Happy Memories Challenge Blogmas #3

 Let's be clear, I wrote this post in 2023 on a Slovenian blog, and I haven't exactly changed everything. So don't be angry if it's not updated. Thanks

Today it's tradition time, and as you know, I have a challenge every year in the blogmass. This year it's happy memories. We all have many of these memories, but some are the ones that really help put a smile on your face?? I believe there are not many. I decided that this challenge is perfect because it would allow you to write down all those nice memories that you want to keep in your head forever and then, when the going gets tough, you can read them, of course.

I found the idea in a planner, of course. Anyway, I can use it and no one will sue me! So the challenge is this:

Do what makes you happy and do it as often as possible. Do you think happiness can't be saved? And how can you! If you don't know yet, you can trick your memory and simply decide to remember the positive moments rather than the negative ones. How? By writing them down. Write down your 5 happiest moments. That way, whenever you're not in a good mood, you can easily recall them.

You can actually do this regularly by keeping a happiness diary. Every day or every week, write down what made you happy or happy, what made you laugh or what made you proud. Later, you can read your notes again and again and look forward to your memories - and experience many new moments of happiness.

My 5 favourite memories:

  1. Learning to roller skate around the house; When I was little I used to learn to roller skate like this at home. First I went with one foot and then with the other and eventually with both. I also often got stuck in things because the house was always too small. But I have really good memories of it.

  1. Kittens: I have always loved kittens, especially cats. I love them and they are always very hard-working, but they are a lot of work anyway. I was never bored when I had them at home.

  1. Summer at Grandma and Grandpa's: I know it sounds silly because I hate Grandpa and he has been dead for almost 2 years. But I literally stayed with my grandparents for the whole summer or both 2 months of my holidays. Yeah, I know, that's stupid too. Anyway, we went to the spa for a day by train or to the city for a bit. And my grandfather taught me the basics of computing when we were at home. That was something he did for me, so that's one of the best memories for me. It was only later that I got to know him and he dropped the mask of being a good man, at least for the family, but at that time he was still OK. When my grandmother woke up I always watched her when she was exercising in the morning while I was eating Nutella.

  1. Gardaland: I've been there 2 times in my life, the first time was on 18.9.2010, it was a Wednesday and the 2nd time was in June 2018. The last time I was there I spent the day with my lovely teacher. She was like a mother to me, but now it's over and she's gone. At least not as much as she was then. That was my favourite day. I still have pictures of that day somewhere.

  1. Earrings: 20.11.2023: Yes, that was last month. I finally got my earrings back. Yeah I know how that sounds I had them in the past but the holes got destroyed and healed and the earrings went papa. I was able to redo them! So this is my favourite day when I got them back! But the person who did them for me said that you could tell that they really had been there once. I honestly doubted I had them in the past. Hehe. Now they're back and hopefully this time I'll have holes forever at least that's my plan.

These are my 5 happy memories I have of my childhood and today. I thought I would be able to find moments from this year and yet I can barely remember them. But what are your favourite moments? Leave a comment or contact me on social media. Don't forget to subscribe to our newsletter!

See you tomorrow!
