The Little Prince - The lost chapter

 Today I will give you a version of the lost chapter, written in a style and length similar to the chapters in The Little Prince, written for me by an artificial intelligence. But I can tell you that this chapter is not in the original version of The Little Prince! It was later deleted by the author, so I have decided to make this chapter, which is really important to me, available to everyone. However, the author felt that this chapter had no relevance, so he removed it. Here is the lost chapter:

the Little Prince continued his journey and soon came across a merchant sitting at a simple wooden table in the middle of the desert. On the table were tiny, shiny tablets, glistening in the rays of the sun. The shopkeeper was busy cleaning a small mirror, so at first he did not even notice the prince.

"Good afternoon," greeted the Little Prince.

"Good afternoon," replied the shopkeeper without looking up.

The Prince stepped closer and looked at the tablets with interest. "What are you selling?" he asked.

"These are special pills," said the shopkeeper proudly. "One tablet a day and you'll never be thirsty again."

"I'll never be thirsty again?" repeated the Little Prince in amazement.

The shopkeeper nodded. "That's right. Imagine how much time you can save. You save 53 minutes every day because you don't have to look for water or drink."

The Little Prince was silent for a while, looking at the tablets lying in the small boxes. It seemed to him that the pills were nothing special - just tiny, grey pieces that the shopkeeper had wrapped in shiny paper. Finally, he asked, "

And what should I do with the 53 minutes I have saved?"

The shopkeeper looked up in surprise. "You can spend it on anything you want! You can work more, you can earn more, you can be more efficient."

The little prince nodded. "If I had those 53 minutes, I would spend them walking to the spring."

The merchant looked at him blankly. It seemed to him that the prince did not understand the true value of his invention. After a long pause, he said,

"But that is stupid. Why spend time walking when you can save it?"

The little prince looked up to the distant horizon, where the dunes glistened in the sunlight. Slowly, he said,

"I think the things we really need are not the things we can buy. Thirst is not just the need for water. Thirst is the desire for a moment - for a taste, for the feeling of a cool liquid soothing your throat. And walking to the spring is part of that moment."

The shopkeeper frowned. "Maybe. But adults don't have time for that sort of thing. The world needs efficiency, not dreamers walking to springs."

The little prince nodded and turned toward the desert. He walked slowly forward, leaving the pill peddler behind. As he walked, he said quietly to himself,

"Adults are really strange."

What do you think, this chapter is really meaningless? Should it be in the book? Write it down on the forum or in the comments below this post. Don't forget to subscribe to the newsletter to keep up to date! See you in 4 days!
