An experience that has shaped my life

 Today I will tell you about an experience that has had a profound impact on my life. In fact, there are 2 or maybe even 3. Today I tell you 2.


in a few months my blog will be 6 years old. I can admit that it has had a great impact on my life. It has made me responsible for a cause that has meant more and more to me. Because of the blog, I started to get into social networks and to learn programming and all the things that go along with it. I can't tell you how much it has changed my life. Now I am looking for ways to make money out of it. The views are increasing dramatically and it seems like a natural progression for me. And it would give you an idea of how you can make money on the Internet, or even just on the blog, as I am about to start doing.

Writing a blog has also trained me in creativity, ingenuity, flexibility, finding solutions, upgrading, grammar and even connecting with readers. I don't know when someone on the snow or elsewhere accuses me of advertising myself by asking about my hobbies and, of course, by immediately mentioning that I have a blog when I'm asked about them. Yes, it's definitely my hobby! You get something out of it not me! And it's free advertising, why is that bad? I think it's good because it's how I fill my free time and I obviously get a lot out of it, even though for once I'm not earning my bread from it! But you get something out of it anyway! If you don't like blogging, don't read it! I'll tell you, though, that it does exist. It may mean nothing to you that I mention it and add a link, but it means a lot to me that you at least look at it and tell me how you feel about it. If you are one of those who found out about my blog on social media, I am glad you are still here, thank you. The others are really worse off. If you have anything else to say about it comment here or on the forum (don't forget subscribers only!).

The beginning of a spiritual awakening:

Yes, in 2023 my process of spiritual awakening also began in which I am discovering who I am and why I am here. It has been going on for almost 2 years now and during that time I have to admit that I have made a lot of progress and my life is much better than I ever thought it would be. I have started to be in the moment and not to be too stressed. To be smart but not pushy.

To recognise who is to be talked to on certain subjects and who should I run away from? Why am I here and what is my purpose? Who is my soulmate and will she ever leave you? What is telepathy and how can I use it to my advantage? What is meditation and why do we need it? What is astral projection or out of body experience and what can it give me? What is telekinesis and can everyone do it?

How long can I meditate to be able to use telepathy correctly? Or how to recognise that you are susceptible to telepathy? And why should every person be able to meditate? Why would someone meditate? What can meditation give you? When does the process of spiritual awakening begin? Why is the process of spiritual awakening initiated in the first place? How do you know that a spiritual awakening has been triggered? How do you know when meditation has benefited you? How do you recognise the first successful telepathic communication?

All these questions are many and there is no end to them. I know the answers to most of them. Some I can still explore on my own. All of this has really changed me because my life has started to change and it has gone from being a certain way to being more interesting and fulfilling. I didn't know that this process could be so extensive and exhausting. I must admit, however, that there is one more question, in addition, of course, to all the others that I have not said. But it is one that I will answer immediately. Many people want to know: do you have help in your spiritual awakening or are you on your own? I personally am obviously very fortunate because I have a person who guides me in this, and it is not, what someone is a person who really means a lot more to me than I dare to admit. And this same person has gone through this process of spiritual awakening herself and is now helping me or is my guide. So the answer to this question is: You may or may not have help depending on the path.

So I think that is enough for today. I am still available for any questions on social media and in the comments. If you want me to write a guide on a particular topic, let me know. Thanks, see you again in 4 days!
